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 How it began


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Copyright © Vicious Fightwear 2010




Vicious Fightwear is a lifestyle brand that was born in the gym.
Owner and creator Jeremy Jones has been a long time fan of MMA since UFC's® first televised promotion back in 1993. Before then he had always been a huge fan of martial arts movies and the Asian Culture. Unfortunately coming from a single parent home his mother could not afford to put him in to any Martial Arts classes so he was never able to train as a child.

In Fall of 2009 Jeremy began training at Verrett's Karate (Brentwood, Ca.) as a way to lose weight and gain mental stability due to hard times in his life. He trained daily with Owners Randy and Michelle Verrett along side with a young student named Justin Vizcarra. Justin at the time had a 2-1  record in Pankration fighting with only a year of training under the Verrett's. Jeremy & Justin became good friends and training partners over time, both helping each other to improve their physical and mental well being and at the same time help Justin improve his potential career as an MMA Fighter. Jeremy eventually nicknamed Justin "Vicious Vizcarra" due to his Raw and just flat out Vicious fighting style which he soon started using as his MMA name once he moved into the Amateur MMA Circuit.
Plain and simple Vicious Fightwear was made by fighters for fighters as well as the not so average fight fan.

The way we look at it is you don’t need some expensive flashy shirt while training but you do need a comfortable shirt that let's people know you are all business, a shirt that shows the inner you, the beast within, the Vicious nature that is MMA, which is where Vicious Fightwear thrives!
We understand that you want to be who you are and be comfortable doing it so we use the highest quality materials and Raw designs because you are worth it!